Friends of Twin Lakes ANF
PO Box 333, Wilcox PA 15870
Nonprofit organization aimed at assisting Twin Lakes Recreation Area in the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.
The campground was once the site of factory buildings, stores, and company row
houses owned by the McKean Chemical Company, which made wood alcohol. A
company splash dam, used to augment water levels for the chemical plant
downstream, once occupied the site of today's dam. When McKean Chemical
Company closed in the 1920s, the Forest Service acquired the property.
In 1936, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) constructed the present dam on
Hoffman Run, creating the swimming impoundment. They built the lower
campground, picnic area, pavilions, and bathhouse. The twin
impoundment was never built, as money planned for its construction was
The upper campground loop was added in the early 1960s, and the bathhouse and
sewage system were completely renovated in 1970. |
In early February 2018, two public meetings were held at the Jones Township
Community Center to make the community aware of the status of Twin Lakes
Recreation area for the 2018 summer season.ANF stated that Twin Lakes would only be open for day use for the 2018 season due to the failing waste water treatment system and other infrastructure issues. In early 2018 Friends of Twin Lakes was born with the purpose and intent of
keeping Twin Lakes open for the public. A very dedicated team began the
daunting task of upkeep and improvements. 2018 was a successful year for
the group and their hard work and dedication has only inspired others to
join in the efforts.
While 2018 was mostly maintenance (cutting all that grass took an enormous
amount of time) and minor cosmetic improvements, 2019 saw numerous improvements to the grounds. The Monday night crew has grown from
6-8 dedicated individuals last year to a consistent number of 20-25. With
the donation of the two John Deere Zero Turn mowers from Dick Cooney,
grass cutting is now a breeze and there is more time for beautification. If you haven't been to Twin Lakes in a while, now is the time to come and
see what these volunteers have done.
- The Vista is now clear again and has a magnificent view of the lake.
- Several overgrown areas around the lake have been cleared and new benches put in place.
- The upper campsite field is now clear again for the kids to enjoy.
- Scout troops have been in to help build new, much needed picnic tables that you will see at the beach. They have also been busy helping to clear brush and cutting wood. A
wood chipper was lent to the group to help get rid of unwanted brush along
with many hours of burning the unsightly piles.
- Volunteers have fixed and marked the Black Cherry Trail and 15 miles
of the Twin Lakes hiking trial.
2019 Eagle Scout Projects
- New picnic table surrounds beach area. (Cody Pontious, Troop
422, Kane PA)
- New grills beach area. (Kolton Mehalko,Troop 83
in Johnsonburg, PA)
- New benches around the lake. (Joe Arthurs,
Troop 93, Ridgway PA)
- New steps from the lower group site up the
back side the dam. (Scott Lewis,Troop 83 Johnsonburg, PA)
volunteers and hosts have contributed many hours cleaning campsites,
cutting grass, light maintenance, checking in campers, cleaning the port a
pots and many other projects too numerous to mention. The officers and
board members would like to thank each and every one of you.”
Visit our "Become a Volunteer" page for more information on how you can join us.
Example of Approx documented hours for 2019 Hosts: (24/7 for months) 5040+ (Based on 1 host- many times we had 2
hosts.) Friends of Twin Lakes Board:
3000+ Monday Night Crew: 2787+ Weekend and other volunteer
staff: 1850+ Eagle Projects Approx: 1591+ Grand total of
documented hours: 14,268+
2020 Projects
- New roof on maintanace shed
- Numerous campsite Trim back projects
- Beach pavillion parking area brush trim back
- New Large grill in Lower group site.
- New and improved walking trail around the lake (See link)
2021 Projects
- Numerous campsite trim back projects
- Brush trim back multiple areas
- Black water only dumpstation operational
2022 Projects
Camp Site Improvments (Gravel bases and other items)
Drainage improvment upper and lower sites
Drilling for a water well
Numerous brush cut back projects
Winner of 2022 PA Wilds Great Places Award
2023 Projects
- Many Campsite improvments
- Drainage improvments
- Sewage treatment work
- Water line improvments
- New Water well completed and tested.
- 100 Anniversary Party for 100 Years of ANF History
- Roof on Lower site Restrooms
This ambitious group has more projects that they would like to see
accomplished such as some type of sewage system to allow waste treatment,
Repair or replace lower group site pavilion, repair of the walking path
around the lake, return of flush bathrooms, revitalization of camping
sites with upgrade to electrical system, new fishing piers, and there is
even talk of an amphitheater and horse shoe pits.
We need more volunteers ~ be it your time, talent or funding. Fundraising is our main form of income to accomplish these projects. If you would like to support our mission, your donations can
be accepted via several methods.
Visit the FOTLANF donation
page |
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