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Updated 07/07/2021

















Friends of Twin Lakes ANF
PO  Box 333, Wilcox PA 15870

Nonprofit organization aimed at assisting Twin Lakes Recreation Area in the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.

Fotl Managment Plan

The EADS Group is currently under contract with FOTL to develop a Management Plan for the Twin Lakes Recreation Area.  This plan will help FOTL and the ANF with future improvements.  Public Input is paramount to the plan development.  Because of Covid-19 restrictions, in person meetings will not be held.  Survey forms are currently being developed and will be available at Twin Lakes, on our Facebook page and this website.


Walking Trail around the lake

FOTL is pleased to announce that improvements have been completed to the walking trail around the lake.  Support for this improvement project was provided by Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation, the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund, and Seneca Resources.  Seneca Resources Company LLC, the exploration and production segment of National Fuel Gas Company, explores for and develops natural gas and oil reserves in California, Kansas and Appalachia.  Additional information about Seneca and National Fuel Gas Company is available at http://www.nationalfuelgas.com or through the Company’s investor information service at 1-800-334-2188.