Friends of Twin Lakes ANF PO Box
333, Wilcox PA 15870
Nonprofit organization aimed at assisting Twin Lakes Recreation Area in the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.
We are located in North Central Pennsylvania among the Allegheny National Forest. Use the links below for additional information:
Hiking Trails
Lakes Trail begins at the Black Cherry National Recreation
Interpretive Trail and extends 15 miles westward to the Mill Creek
Trail which traverses 5.6 milesthrough gently rolling terrain. It can be accessed via the Twin LakesTrail. Portions of the Mill Creek Trail are no longer maintained.
Mill Creek Trail also connects to the Brush
Hollow system and is listed on the Brush Hollow map and brochure.
A huge thank you goes out to Robbie Fitzpatrick and crew for maintaing the
Trails around Twin Lakes.
ANF Hiking Trail Map(Via Allegheny Site
Managements web page)