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Updated 07/07/2021


Friends of Twin Lakes ANF
PO  Box 333, Wilcox PA 15870

Nonprofit organization aimed at assisting Twin Lakes Recreation Area in the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.

100% of all donations are used to maintain/preserve Twin Lakes via the Friends of Twin Lakes Organization. Donations to assist with maintaining or for future projects can be made in several ways.

Pay Pal Donation

Pay Pal icon for FOTLANF

Direct Donations to "Friends of Twin Lakes"

Used for day to day items and projects(short-term and long-term)

Friends of Twin Lakes ANF

C/O Laurie Storrar (Treasurer)

PO Box 333

Wilcox PA 15870-0235

Friends of Twin Lakes Endowment Foundation

In the process of creating a sustainable fund for Friends of Twin Lakes

The Elk County Community Foundation 

C/O Friends of Twin Lakes

32 South St. Marys St. Suite 4 

St.Marys PA 15857